3D Printed Sand Cores - Molds from EASYMFG

Created on:2024-04-16 10:36

  The pain points in sand casting industry are more and more obvious, requiring new solutions urgently.

  Pain points highlights:

  ● Self-development: High labor intensity? Poor working environment? Labor shortages limiting production capacity? Is it difficult to recruit workers? Is it difficult to retain? Slow turnarounds on prototypes? High scrap rates from intricate assembly? It is urgent to change the traditional casting environment;

  ● Product mix: The need for customization and individuation; Multi-variety, small batch production mode; The mode of demand-driven supply has become the main way for enterprises to pursue sustainable development. Using emerging technologies to promote enterprise transformation and upgrading is around the corner;

  ● Environmental protection policy: The awareness of ecological and environmental protection has been strengthened. The pursuit of clean casting and sustainable development is also the path that casting industry must take.

  Those are almost the issues the foundry industry is facing. Whatever challenges it is confronted with, EasyMFG has got a successful case study for you. Check out how EasyMFG’s binder jetting sand 3D printer are changing their supply chain!

  Before checking the story, let’s check the advantages binder jetting printing technology can bring about at first:

  ● Replace manual operation and improve the working environment

  ● No need to make molds, save production cost, improve the speed and flexibility of product trial production

  ● Improve product dimensional accuracy

  ● High efficiency

  ● High design freedom

  A very famous and professional steel castings production enterprise in China put forward a project, requiring that a complete set of sand cores and molds of the three-way pipe without tooling can be produced within 5 working days.


  the sample of sand 3d printer

  They chose EASYMFG as a partner to work on this project together.

  Step 1:Sand Mold and Core Design




  Step2:Software simulation: Finalize the final sand mold design.

  Step3:3D printed sand cores and molds by using EasyMFG's S1200Pro.





  Step4: Zirconium powder coating improves the surface finish of metal castings.


  Step5:Assembly sand mold and cores.



  Step6: Pouring.


  Step7:Break up the sandbox, get the part.


  Comparison for Manufacturing Methods

  •   Traditional casting adopts the way of investment casting for trial production and mass production. Investment casting needs to go through below steps, among which, the shell making process needs 3 to 5 times of repeated work to reach the semi-finished product state, and the production cycle is long.


  •   Binder jetting 3D printed technology: The whole process is shortened to sand mold design, sand mold printing, metal liquid pouring and post-processing, greatly shortening the production cycle, and 3D printed sand mold files are directly output by the computer digital files, which are easy to modify.

  Conclusion: The application of casting sand 3D printing equipment simplifies the molding process, greatly shortens the production cycle, reduces the casting manufacturing cost, effectively improves the efficiency of new product research and development, and can be widely promoted and applied in the field of casting manufacturing with complex structure, high quality requirements and small batch casting.